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Jim Rogers Would Abolish The Fed And Resign!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The day after the Fed calvary came and the markets having their best day in five years , Jim Rogers is mighty annoyed!

Speaking to CNBC Europe

  • Asked what he would do if he were in Bernanke's shoes, Rogers, who slammed the Fed for pouring liquidity in the system and accepting mortgage-backed securities as guarantees, said: "I would abolish the Federal Reserve and I would resign."

    If this happened, "we don't have anybody printing money, we don't have inflation in the land, we don't have a collapsing U.S. dollar"

Jim Rogers blasts the Fed by defining its actions as socialism for the rich!

  • "No country in the world has ever succeeded by debasing its currency," he said. "That's what this man is trying to do. He's trying to debase the currency as a way to revive America. It has never worked in the long term or the medium term."

    The Fed's move to accept risky collateral is not part of the central bank's business, he added.

    "What is Bernanke going to do? Get in his helicopter and fly around the world and collect risk? That's absurd," Rogers said.

    A recession may be a good way to clean up the economy, while trying to prevent one may cost more and actually worsen the recession, Rogers said. Also, investment banks should be allowed to fail.

    "Listen, investment banks have been going bankrupt since the beginning of time. If people make mistakes -- if you bail out every investment bank that gets in trouble, that's not capitalism, that's socialism for the rich," he said.

    The weakest financial institution is Fannie Mae, in Rogers' opinion, "but all of them have problems."

Crucialy, he states his vested current interest and makes recommendation on agricultural commodities.

  • He said he had a short position on all investment banks and is buying agricultural commodities such as cotton, wheat, coffee and sugar and was also buying the Chinese yuan and the Japanese yen.

    "Buy agriculture. Agriculture is one of the few places where you're going to make a fortune in the next years," Rogers said. ( source of article
    here )

By the way, Slowday asked me, Who Wants To Be A Billionaire!


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