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Retract them claws

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past six months and have missed the close to shameless advertising campaign, X-Men Origins: Wolverine is out tomorrow. Yes, I realise tomorrow is a Wednesday (April 29 to be precise) and new movies usually only ever come out on a Thursday. But Hugh and the team are trying to do The Dark Knight thing and get a bit of extra business by opening a day earlier. Don’t mistake me, The Dark Knight and X-Men Origins: Wolverine are both movies adapted from popular comic-book characters and I did mention them in the same sentence. HOWEVER I’m not expecting the Wolverine movie to be anything close to the brilliance of The Dark Knight which, in my personal opinion, is one of the best movies ever made (send me angry letters later folks). I’m looking forward to X-Men Origins: Wolverine because I love the X-Men comics, I love the idea of starting at the origins of an iconic character and it looks like a frolicking good time at the movies. Plus, unlike the X-Men movie franchise this film features my favourite X-Man: Gambit in a starring role (hooray!) For those of you, like myself, who are trotting on down to see the first of what is sure to be many X-Men Origins movies, I hope we get what the trailer promised: a fun, action-packed, adventure film with little to no depth. In times like these I think a bit of escapism is just what the pointy-clawed mutant called for. X-Men Origins: Wolverine is screening everywhere, literally everywhere, tomorrow.


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