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Don't be late for this very important date

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Breaking news y'all!
The trailer for Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland leaked on the net last night and it looks radical! You can watch it in its entirety here.
Considering this puppy isn't released in Australian cinema's until March 11 next year, I'm quite ecstatic to see a trailer this early. No doubt a longer version will be released closer to the opening date but as far as sneak peeks go this is psychedelic. You MUST watch.
There has been so much hype surrounding this film and the atmosphere was elevated to frenzy this week when a bunch of new stills from the film were shown at Comic-Con (one of which is above).
You can view the rest of them here.
Early days yet, but this looks like it's shaping up to be one of the most original and exciting adaptations of anything in recent years. Not to mention much more faithful to the book which was about an acid trip. Burton's versions looks very much like an acid trip and I'm pretty sure I will try to eat my face if I see it in 3D.
If you're clawing for some more info on the upcoming Alice in Wonderland I suggest you check out my previous posts on said project:


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