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Astro Customers Fuming Over New PVR Recording Charges

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Astro announced its latest offering. Astro B.yond PVR (Personal Video Recorder). ( see http://www.astro.com.my/byond/articles/art_699.html )

Now this box allows B.yond users to record their favourite Astro programs. The subscriber will get one unit ODU (Out Door Unit) which has 2 signal receivers, meaning to say 2 cables is required (instead of one presently) for installation.

Now the purpose of 2 cables is to allow the user to watch a different channel while recording another.

Sounds super.

This was what many subscribers had been waiting so long since getting their B.yond. A new box which allows them to record their favourite TV shows whenever they are busy.

But then comes the shocker.

As many would have expected, pricing.

Yes, many had been crying foul over Astro constant increment in subscriber fees over the years! For many, Astro is all about money, money and more money!

To get the new PVR box there are 2 options. If one owns B.yond, one can exchange the b.yond box plus rm 300.00. Or if one does not have B.yond, to jump straight into B.yond PVR would cost rm 400.00.

Many feel that the charges of rm 300.00 and rm 400.00 is insanely excessive!

Yes, although a new cable is required to hook up this PVR, the charges is insane!

Does it cost rm 300.00 to install a new ODU with 2 new cables?
Does it cost rm 400.00 to install a new B.yond with PVR?


That's my sentiments. Many are feeling ripped off!

And to make matters worst, yes, the horrors does not end here, the subscriber then have to pay an addition rm 10 per month for the recording services!


That's rm 120.00 per year extra!

Insane or what??????

Yeah, it's a take it or a leave it option. You want their new PVR decoder, this is how much you have to pay!

Why is Astro allowed to do business like a bully?

Now get this. There's another option.

You can buy your own hard disk.

But there are several setbacks. One is you cannot watch other shows while recording another. Two. Apparently subscribers must buy WD My Passport AV 320gb external hard sick from WD. And apparently this is the ONLY hard disk that will work!



Wait... that's not it.

There's still the recording surcharges! Yes, the subscribers going for this option, needs to pay rm 5.00 per month!!!!!!!!!

Many subscribers are left dumbfounded.

It's so simple why.

The existing B.Yond subscribers' current remote control does have a 'record' button but to use it, they have to pay rm 5.00 per month!


Insane isn't it?

Why is Astro allowed to do business like this? Is it because they have a monopoly that they feel they can just bully their customers? Whatever happen to Competition bill will prevent monopoly and protect consumers?

Yes, where's the customers protection?


Oh another thing. The recorded programs can only be watched using the Astro decoder. Yes, the subscriber cannot watch it on their personal computer and they cannot pass their recordings to their favourite aunties and uncles. Yup, I can see that Astro have gone through many hassles to protect their shows from being distributed and they have gone through many, many hassles to ensure that they milk more money from its loyal customers!


As they say... capitalism is good but monopoly capitalism is simply the best!!


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