Pundit's corner: Chicharito's dad
Sunday, June 6, 2010
During a visit to the Guadalajara home of Chicharito's family, this blog got the views of Chicharito's dad and former Mexican international Javier 'Chicharo' Hernandez on Mexico's chances in the World Cup. More snippets from the Chicharito family will follow in the next few days.Javier 'Chicharo' Hernandez:
How far will Mexico get?
They have a strong chance of getting to the Quarter Finals. If they pass through the first round, they’ll go far.
The first game is key. If they win the first game there’s some margin for error later.
What about exact scores?
For me, the results will be Mexico 3 – 1 South Africa, then Mexico 2 – 1 France with Giovani and Chicharito getting the goals and finally Mexico 1 – 1Uruguay. Chicharito will get three goals in the group stages, one in every game.
And how is Chicharito doing?
He’s well. He’s working hard and happier now the team is winning, especially after the last game (against Italy) following the defeats against Holland and England.
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