Music is Better with You!
Friday, September 24, 2010
"There is crack, a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in, that how the light gets in"
This lyric is about how even with all the flaws that everyone has as a person, those flaws are what make us ourselves. The crack represents all the flaws or personality traits that make a specific person that way. If we had no flaws at all we'd all be pretty boring people. If every person was without any discerning attributes, then we would be the same person and creativity would cease to be. The light represents the things that we all enjoy about other people. Even though we may complain about the little things that are annoying about someone that is what ultimately what draws us to that person. A quote along similar lines that makes me think of this is from the song 'True Colors' by Phil Collins. "I see your true colors, and that's why I love you, so don't be afraid to show your true colors." This lyric sums up the feeling a person feels when they look into the core of a person and see the beauty that resides within. I know I sound like a hopeless romantic but that what I take away from this quote. The repetition of the last line is a clear indication that this is the point Mr.Cohen wants to get across in my opinion.
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