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Emma Stone & Andrew Garfield Talk About "Spider-Man Reboot"

Thursday, December 23, 2010

First I'll start with what Emma Stone spoke about while in an interview with American chat-show host, Jay Leno, while on his show:
Stone, who will play the new reboot version of blonde hottie, Gwen Stacy in the upcoming 2012 Marc Webb reboot, announced on the show that she has signed onto multiple sequels. Looks like she'll have to keep that blonde hair for a few more years then. AWESOME!!!!!
Now it's time to see what Andrew Garfield, who will play the new rebooted version of Spidey has to say about the upcoming reboot of the 2002-2007 franchise:
Basically he told The Guardian that he started filming for the new film two weeks ago and that the cast and crew have the whole of Christmas off, then back to work in the New Year.
He also said that his Peter Parker/Spider-Man is in fact still a teenager, but sources previously announced that he may or may not be a teenager now in the film, seeing as Garfield is older than the studio wanted.
He gave them a discription of what Peter Parker/Spider-Man will be like. This is what he said,
"I think Spider-Man needs strength, but Peter Parker is still a teenager, you know? That's a very tender balance to figure out. It's very specific what we're trying to achieve in terms of body type and the feeling of that. Rest assured, there's a lot of people helping me with that because I have no discipline in that respect. My father's a swimming coach and I kind of rebelled against that very early on. Any kind of exercise routine has to be cracked with a pretty firm whip."


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