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'Tis The Fucking Season.

Friday, December 24, 2010

 Sorry everyone for being a slacker and not updating the blog in a minute. We've been busy over here finishing up our next line, expected to drop in mid-January 2011. I can't tell you much about the new line aside from WE ARE GOING TO DROP A SICK ASS SWEATER. Everything else is on the low-low, your just gonna have to wait and see. ;) 
As for the picture above, it IS a 6-foot-tall marijuana plant decorated for the holidays. Apparently, this plant was confiscated by German police officers after finding it in this old hippie's house, who claimed that the plant was only there for traditional purposes. Sucks to get that shit taken away by the "authorities". Pardon me, but I thought that the police were there to 'protect & serve' ? Not to jack yo shit!!!
Have a safe & fun Christmas/Kwanzaa/Whatever-the-fuck. I'm out. 


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