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The Heat are Hollywood as Hell

Friday, May 27, 2011

  This video shows why Lebron is the biggest vagina in the league. It shows why he can never be as good as MJ. MJ never flopped once in his entire career, meanwhile Queen James is doing 4 to 5 times a game. I mean he acts like he got shot here and  D Rose never came close to touching him. I haven't hated a team like I hate the Heat in a long time. Probably because it feels like I've been anally raped by them
  Also if one more person tells me, "it was a good season, if I told you we'd be in the Eastern Conference Finals at the beginning of the year, you'd have said it was a successful season", I will punch you in the face. That's fucking loser talk. These are the same dickheads who said this after the Bears lost to the Packers. Listen assholes, expectations change during the regular season. And when you own the best record in the league, you should never lose 2 of 3 games at home in a series. Never.



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