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You make me Brick

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Well, dear Siamese Saffron's blogazine Side Street Sydney is tearing up the little slice of interweb it lives in. On that note, faithful readers, I bring you my first post on SSS about one of my favourite all time films - Brick. Yeah, yeah, I know I harp on about it a lot but this post gives you a more in-depth look at the movie. C-c-check it out here. Now just because it doesn't have a Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader update or a New Moon picture, that's no reason not to look and learn more about this amazing lil film.
Oh, I almost forgot; Happy Fathers Day and all that bull$shit.
Above: a scene from Brick (this is way better than any other Robert Pattison image with tousled hair - ick).


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