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Featured Report: K&N On Sino Hua-An Part II

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's about an year ago, 18 Aug 2009, I wrote the following posting: Featured Report: Kenanga On Sino Hua-An

Let me highlight what I wrote then..... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Last night Hua-An's lost some 13.279 million and year-to-date losses were 36.911 million.

And Hua-An stock price is also 0.545. :p2

Despite losing money, Kenanga insist that the prospect is bright! (losing less money is good eh?)


Kenanga still have a buy on Sino Hua-An but with a lower target price.

Yeah.. losing less money is good. :D

So who wants Hua-An?


Today... Sino Sua-An price is at 35 sen and Sino Hua An is finally making money!

Yes, Sino Hua An announced profits in its quarterly earnings notes last night. It made a profit of 4.844 million for the quarter and year-to-date, Sino Hua-An made some 2.362 million!

Guess what is K&N's recommendation today?


Yes you heard me correct. It's a SELL with a target price of 0.26 sen!


In short... :P

Aug 2009: Sino Hua An made less losses! (yes less losses) and Hua An was at 0.545. K&N called it a BUY with a target price of 0.63.

Aug 2010: Sino Hua An finally made money and Hua An is at 0.35. K&N now calls it a SELL with a target price of 0.26!

Now correct me if I am wrong here but isn't K&N suggesting that Sino Hua An is only worth a BUY when it's losing money? ( :p2 )



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