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Update on Transmile

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I wrote the following blog posting on Transmile last year.

Transmile reported it's earnings today:

TABLE: Malaysia's Transmile 4Q Net MYR43.7M Vs MYR18.2M

Transmile Group Bhd (7000.KU) - Malaysia
4th quarter ended Dec. 31:
Figures are in Ringgit (MYR).
2005 2004
Revenue MYR306,687,000 MYR128,124,000
Pretax Profit 64,005,000 39,329,000
Net Profit 43,740,000 18,160,000
Earnings Per Share 19.96 Sen 10.61 Sen
Dividend 3.00 Sen 3.00 Sen
12 months ended Dec. 31:
Revenue 606,210,000 346,180,000
Pretax Profit 120,959,000 86,620,000
Net Profit 85,852,000 45,463,000
Earnings Per Share 39.19 Sen 26.55 Sen
Dividend 3.00 Sen 3.00 Sen


Now that's really a nice result... which means Transmile last 4 quarterly net earnings displayed a strong earnings growth per quarter like this below...

Q1 net profit = 10.816 mil, Q2 net profit = 13.206 mil, Q3 net profit = 18.090 mil, Q4 net profit = 43.740 mil


Slight problem... cos if you look at the blog posting again Mile High Projection , I wrote the following issue...

Now this one tiny-little-itsy-bitsy-problem.

Ze market sifus is EXPECTING and PROJECTING (some call it assuming - LOL - making ze ass-out-of-u-and-me mah) a net profit of over 105 million for the current fiscal year.

Transmile did a very impressive 85.852 million, however as impressive as the earnings is, this set of earnings numbers is way BELOW the so-called sifu's estimates!

Oh.... oh... how?

Makes you wonder... did Transmile did so poorly or did the sifu itself did so poorly!!!!!

Here's a newsclip on Transmiles earnings: Transmile's net profit up 88.8% in FY05


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