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Huge Wall Street Bonuses. Do they deserve it?

Monday, August 14, 2006

CNN carried an article from Reuters on Wall Street bonuses set to soar

Here is the bottom-line mentioned by the article:

  • Bonuses for bankers will probably jump 25 percent, and equities traders may take home 20 percent to 25 percent more, according to the study by Johnson Associates Inc., a New York compensation consultant.
  • Investment banking bonuses often comprise the bulk of overall pay. A top banker or trader can receive seven- or even eight-figure bonuses after a stellar year.
  • "A lot of people are already making an enormous amount of money" before bonuses, Johnson said. "Now they can make twice as much of an enormous amount of money."
Do you ever wonder if these are really INSANE money being paid?

Do you reckon if these bankers really deserve so much money?

And oh, where and how do you reckon these investment bankers make their money from?

Care to share your views and opinions?


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