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Purpose In Life

Thursday, April 26, 2007

My dearest Moo Moo Cow has forwarded me a very nice quote made by Dr. Van Tharp. I would like to share a snippet of it with everyone.

  • We live in a universe filled with energy that we can tap into if and when we are aware of it. Those who are creating problems tend to manipulate others (because they feel week and insecure) to gain power and money. They end up making others feel weak and ready to fight back to regain their energy.

    This competition for energy will end when we experience a connection to the power within all of us. Much of my coaching is about helping people channel into this sort of power.

    Knowing what you are all about, your purpose in life, will make it much easier to tap into the power of the universe. When you are on purpose, mysterious things seem to happen to keep you on track.
* click here for the rest of the posting *

Many thanks again my dearest Moo Moo Cow.


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