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Favourite Movie Friday with Ludacris and Madsion Pettis

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I know, it's not Friday.

But since I've been quite under the weather lately I've missed the past two editions of Favourite Movie Friday and there hasn't been much partyin', partyin' (yeah!). I'm a terrible, terrible blogger and I don't deserve your love. But I will after this. Without further ado, here's a Monday version of Favourite Movie Friday with rapper and actor Ludacris and Disney star Madsion Pettis (The Game Plan). That's quite the odd couple, but watevs. Enjoy. Ludacris: "Definetly Coming To America and Scarface."

Madison Pettis: "13 Going On 30 and all of the Twilight movies. I'm quite girly really."


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