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Crazy in Lycra

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

If Beyonce thought she was crazy in love, then wait till she sees herself in star studded blue, red and gold Lycra! Did I mention she carries a lasso? A lasso of truth no less. Yes, I’m sorry to bore you with more comic book to movie adaptations but this one was just too good to leave out. Beyonce told interviewers in Los Angeles that she has met with both DC Comics and Warner Bros to discuss staring as the Amazon princess in an up and coming feature film based on the comic series. For those of you scratching your heads going “huh? I thought Megan Gale was Wonder Woman?” let me explain. Yes Aussie super model Megan Gale has been cast as Wonder Woman but that’s in a separate film adaptation of the Justice League America comics due for release in 2010. Megan’s must have a thing for Wonder Woman as earlier this year the Internet was buzzing with news that Megan Fox was earmarked for the lead role but thankfully Beyonce has now taking over as the front runner for the starring role. Megan Fox was a stupid suggestion as no one could ever believe that chick could be a super hero, a toddler could snap her like a twig she’s so anor. At least Beyonce and Megan Gale have some meat on them and with a bit of gym work could muscle-up for the part. Hmmm . . . but I’m not sure about Beyonce as Wonder Woman. Don’t get me wrong, I certainly think she’s up for the job and has the charisma and attitude to pull off the role. Plus I think it’s great casting agents are willing the see past the obvious race differences and choose someone who has the substance to fit the character and not necessarily the physical resemblance (i.e. Megan Gale). My uncertainty is the quality of this film. No details on director or script writer have come to light yet but it’s no secret this production has been plagued with problems for years. An attempt to bring Wonder Woman to the big screen began in the early nineties but fell through due to lack of financial support. The project got a reboot in the early 2000s and Jennifer Aniston was signed on to play the lead. However, that also fell through. So fingers crossed they can get it right this time with bootylicious Beyonce on board. No doubt she will be `total hotness’ in the infamous Wonder Woman ensemble.


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