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Crest Builder - Fulfilling What Prophesies??

Monday, November 20, 2006

Blogged on this stock recently: Crest Builder Again and updated it here, Regarding Crest Builder Again. In the update, I mentioned the following:

  • Now I do understand that some times certain research reports tends to be overly optmistic but this incident regarding Crest Builder leaves a really bad taste, especially the manner in which the writer boasted that Crest Builder has risen some 24.2% to 1.18 in a space of just one month. Alas, how short his memory was for he too recommended the same exact stock back on 6th May when it was trading at 1.12. So if one purchased his recommendation back in May at 1.12, there is really nothing to shout about, is there?

    Anyway, isn't it strange that one of the shareholder had disposed some 2,507,000 shares in Crest Builder on the very same day that OSK released that same research report?

    Strange timing or what?

They say pictures say a thousand words.

The report from OSK was published on the 14th Nov.

See how Crest Builder gained 14 sen or 13.5% the day before OSK wrote that STRANGE write-up?

And the nice handy work is shown below!

And if that is not enough, how about these disposal of shares announced..

Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) - Yong Tiok Chin (disposed 20,000 at 1.16)

Changes in Director's Interest (S135) - Yong Soon Chow (disposed 460,000 at 1.168)

Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) - Yong Tiok Chin (disposed 2,273,000 at 1.163)

Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) - Yong Tiok Chin (disposed 2,507,000 at 1.194)

How Brown Cow?


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