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Exemption For TTB and iCapital?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

In the posting: "iCapital Did Explain Why It Lost So Much Money In Axiata!" , the following comments were posted.

  • Moolah said...

    How about this?

    Imagine I am an investment advisor and also I manage a couple of funds. ( LOL! That would be one big joke. However, let's just let our imagination run wild. :P )

    I make public recommendations that iCapital.biz (just a blunt stock example... lol.. if do not like this name, use ABC co, ok?) is an excellent stock to invest in.

    However... behind everyone back, the funds that I manage, were selling iCapital.biz.


    How would you seriously rate my integrity?

    Won't you be cursing me that my mouth said one thing but my hands and legs is doing the exact opposite?

And I got the following comments..

  • invest said...

    LOL !If you're the advisor and fund manager, of course I would curse and scream....

    Reputation, respect and leadership have to be earned, not by making comments on others....


Yes, it's ok that you would curse at me and scream at me but you won't do that at TTB?


Because what I did is simply not forgiveable.

To tell you that I am bullish while the same time I am actually selling would mean that I am less than truthful in my investment advice. Which would reflects poorly on my integrity. I would be no more than the lowlife scum of the earth!

And seriously, you should even throw your rotten shoes and eggs at me too!


However ... just what about TTB and iCapital?

Now I do hope that I am not misinterpreting you wrongly and do kindly correct me if I am wrong.

It would appear to me that you would not you curse and scream at TTB but you would at me.

Rather not fair, eh? Why the double standard?

I do hope that it is not because he has reputation and respect! And I do hope that you are not saying that as long as he has reputation and respect, he as an investment advisor can be telling everyone he is bullish, while at the same time he is selling shares by the truckload! (incident happened early year!)


I hope I am wrong in misinterpreting what you are saying.

Or perhaps you are saying that I cannot earn respect and reputation by making (bad) comments on TTB.

This one I can handle, no problem.

Is ok that you have no respect for me. Seriously. :)

Anyway, so what's wrong for highlighting this issues within iCapital and TTB?


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