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Lookbook -- Boardwalk Livin' May 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Here are some pics from our swimsuit shoot for everything27s portfolio and magazine submission. The swimsuits were provided by an AMAZING Canadian swimsuit designer by the name of Danica Salajko, the name of the line is Bathing Belle previously known as DVS Swimwear.

We worked with an amazing team on the shoot, and our model was totally fearless not afraid of taking chances from climbing up on some really high rocks to actually skateboarding in heels!

Special Thanks goes to:

Model: Dasii (NAM Model Management)
Photographer: Robert McGEe
Hair: Toshera (Trichos Hair Evolution)
Makeup: Britney
Swimwear: Danica (Bathing Belle Swimwear) + Abercrombie

Check out more of Danicas amazing collection at http://www.facebook.com/bathingbelleswimwear

Bathing Belle Swimsuit

Bathing Belle Swimsuit (Taj Monokini)

Bathing Belle Swimsuit

Align CenterAbercrombie Swimsuit




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