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Get A Clue-do

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My headline is soooo going to be the tagline on the up and coming Cluedo movie, it’s that good (cough). Film/ today reported the popular detective board game is going to be adapted in to a movie with Pirates Of The Caribbean director Gore Verbinski signed on. There are a stream of movies adapted from board games in the works right now since Universal Pictures made a series of deals with Hasbro to adapt their toys and games. Last year the announcement that Ridley Scott was making a movie based on Monopoly was huge news and shortly after that it came out Ethan Cohen was writing the screenplay for the Candyland movie. It was only natural Cluedo would follow as not only is it a kick-arse game, it makes much more sense as a movie than, say, Monopoly. Although I think Hungry, Hungry Hippos may just be the best concept for a movie ever. The problem is, Cluedo was already made in to a very-Kitsch movie back in the 80s, 1985 to be exact.

Clue was critically and commercially burnt at the stake but in recent years it has gained quite a cult following. One of the most interesting aspects of the ‘85 film is that it was released with alternative endings. Depending on which cinema you went to, moviegoers were presented with one of three different endings. The papers listed the film with A, B or C depending on the ending included with the print. I wonder if they will try and do that with the modern version? I could just imagine the hype that would create, especially now in the internet age. Cluedo is going to make a great film as it has the whole murder-mystery narrative and already has a built in audience considering the game has made $1 billion in sales over the last 61 years. The big issue would be with casting. There have been dozens upon dozens of versions of Cluedo over the years with the drawings of the central characters changing considerably. The most recent cover of the board game (top above) featured a younger, sexier version of the characters Professor Plum, Ms. White, Col. Mustard, Miss Peacock, Mr. Green and Ms. Scarlet. Personally I think a combination of sexy, young cast members with experienced, mature actors would be perfect. Here are my suggestions:
Miss Scarlet played by Scarlett Johansson

Colonel Mustard played by John Cleese

Professor Plum played by Hugh Laurie

Mrs Peacock played by Neve Campbell

Mr Green played by Jude Law

Mrs White played by Helen Mirren
Note: here's a bit of Movie Mazzupial trivia for you. Not only is Cluedo my favourite board game ever, I have only been beaten once in my lifetime.


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