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Harry Potplant

Thursday, July 31, 2008

I had a plan of future posts which I was to write today but due to the release of the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince trailer they've been put on hold. I'm a massive fan of the Harry Potter books but have never really `celebrated' the films because of all the details they exclude. That said, I still fork out my $14 to see them and line up with all the other muggles wearing their Hogwarts t-shirts and Dobby ears. Fags. American movie website moviefone posted the very first trailer for the film a few hours ago and here is the link:


Praise the lord! It's a real trailer! Finally! Now let's hope those dickheads who have been making fake fan trailers for the movie will stop posting them on YouTube and fooling unsuspecting people looking for a peek at the Half Blood Prince. But really, you deserve to sit through a four minute montage of the last five Harry Potter films if you don't notice the first comment under the video which reads: "THIS IS FAKE....DAMN YOU". Who's stupid enough to miss this? My hand is raised. Along with 2, 795, 653 others apparently.


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