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Drain them pockets

Friday, November 7, 2008

Hey! You! Want to hear some blatantly obvious news? Twilight is going to be a mega smash and make truckloads of money. Okay, so everyone in the first world may have worked that out already but here’s the proof - tickets are already selling out in the US even though the movie doesn’t open until November 21. Fandago is America’s largest movie ticketing destination and they’re reporting more than 100 venue sell outs (and counting). According to their figures 63% of all ticket sales are for Twilight! Here are some other stats from their ongoing Twilight moviegoers survey on Fandango.com (as of 11/6/08):
87% of respondents said they saw the trailers and clips online;
92% said the trailers and clips made they want to buy a ticket to the movie;
73% are most excited to see Robert Pattinson as Edward (respondents were asked to choose one Twilight character they were most excited to see portrayed on the big screen);
31% of Twilight moviegoers are 17 or under; 28% are 18-24; 22% are 25-34; 16% are 35-49; 3% are 50 or over.
It’s still early days but things are certainly looking good for the Twilight team. I bet those investors who green lit the sequel are rubbing their hands together with glee before fanning themselves with $100 bills. Reviews are sure to pop up soon given the first press screening was held in Los Angeles last night. Whether the reviews are good or bad, it’s not going to matter. Hardcore fans (and there are millions of those) are still going to flock to the cinemas to see this movie.


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