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And the worst films of 2009 are . . .

Monday, December 28, 2009

As a bit of an entrée to the main event, before I pump out my list of the best movies of the year I thought I’d share what I think have been the worst films of 2009. There have been plenty of mediocre movies in the past 12 months and while the Chinese would argue it was the year of the Dragon, many would argue it has been the year of the underwhelming blockbuster (hello there Terminator Salvation and co). But without further delay, these are the titles that went above and beyond the standard craptacular -


Just a thought; if you’re going to remake a movie about the kids at a talent school, you actually need to show some talent in the film.

Old Dogs

It’s almost amazing how a talented group of people (Travolta, Williams, Green and so forth) can create something so painful, even with stellar cameos thrown in for good measure. But nothing, nothing is as painful as watching a stretched Travolta squirm the line “c’mon man, this is my crib man”.

Personal Effects

What happens when you try and cram together some of the most complex human issues with `meh’ chemistry from Michelle Pfeiffer and Ashton Kutcher? A film that's surprisingly worse than the poster.

Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen

Had me crying “WTF!” throughout. Except for the scene in robot heaven, I was speechless then.

Year One

From such a promising trailer to almost two hours of dick and excrement jokes, Year One scored a one star from all film critics with a pulse.

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

Most overrated film ever.

The Poker House

Lori Petty utilised her Tank Girl powers with this wannabe drama that, er, tanked (largely due to Selma Blair’s ridiculous wig).


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