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Is StudioTraffic a Scam? Part V

Monday, March 27, 2006

Why am I blogging so much on StudioTrafffic?

Personally, I feel that this whole scheme is such a scam. And I find no reason yet to prove that I am wrong.

The following forum
posting says it clearly:

  • Hello ST members,

    John failed to appear as promised.

    With deep regret I have to brand our "dear" John as a theif, a thug, invisble roberrer and what not.
    It is very very disheartening that a progarm which everybody has kept high hopes is all set to crash, without any trace of its existence , except memories.

    It is all due to John who not only lacks the ethics but also minimum coyrtsey to wish his forum manager, a decent good bye.

    If he desrves any punishment then it should something more than execution, as the pain of execution lingers only for a while.

    I am going to post this in all other forums about autosurfs, whcih I come across.

Interesting tactic isn't it? That John asked for one week grace. And then he did not show up!

And more interestingly, if one puts that USD10.00 share thingy into perspective, shouldn't one question who puts that message in the main site? If John is not around, who put it there? And if John is around, why had he stay silent?

And then.. the forums are getting smaller, ie certain message threads are no long accessible as easily as before! For example, if one had not book-marked the site for Malaysians, well you won't be able to find it via normal surfing! And then, there were wide complaints that members getting banned and messages vanishing!

Here's proof to what I am saying. The section dedicated to Malaysians were accessible on this link: http://www.studiotraffic.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=27

Now this is the link to StudioTraffic forums: http://www.studiotraffic.org/forum/index.php?

Now see if you could find that Malaysian section.

Well here's my view on it... by denying direct access to all the older threads, isn't StudioTraffic trying to erase as much evidence as possible?

Now I won't be shocked if StudioTraffic forum links vanishes into deep, deep space soon!


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