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My Top 7 Favorite Regenerations In Doctor Who........

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Here are my top 7 favorite regenerations from both The Doctor and The Master from Doctor Who: Past & Present Series. 
1. The 10th Doctor's Regeneration from "The End Of Time: Part II" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjkDPKO9VZE)
2. The Master's Regeneration from "Revived-Series 3: Utopia"
3. The 10th Doctor's Half-Regeneration from "Revived-Series 4: The Stolen Earth"
4. The 9th Doctor's Regeneration from "Revived-Series 1: The Parting Of The Ways"
5. The 4th Doctor's Regeneration from "Original-Series 18: "Logopolis-Part 4"
6. The 5th Doctor's Regeneration from "Original-Series 21: "The Cave Of Androzani"
7. The 7th Doctor's Regeneration from "Doctor Who: The Tv Movie"


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