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Can I Make It In The Stock Market As A Trader?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Are you a trader who has not much success in the stock market?

Have you bought and read tons of books and yet cannot find any success?

Here's a recommended reading article by Dr. Brett. Can I Trade for a Living? The Quest for Trading Success (do read in full and not only the following highlighted passage)

  • The missing element? Skill development. Training. A systematic program of learning that emphasizes pattern recognition, an understanding of market movement across time frames, intermarket relationships, sound execution of trade ideas, and risk management.

    Mindset is critical in sustaining motivation, interest, and focus during the learning curve, and mindset is crucial in the consistent application of one's skills. The wrong frame of mind and emotional/cognitive/physical state can disrupt the best of skills, but the best of mental outlooks cannot substitute for developed skills. No positive mindframe and "method that suited me" can provide competencies--in any performance field.


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