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Movie Mazzupial's best movie posters of 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I’m quite the movie poster fiend, as discussed previously on this blog with my best and worst all time lists of movie posters. And although I may regret some of the choices I made on those, the best movie posters of 2010 list is a little more carefully considered. Unfortunately some of these films haven’t yet been released in Australia, but since their posters are out I feel it’s fair to include them. Here’s the eye candy:

This falls into the category of films us Aussies are hungrily waiting for, even more so when you consider this grabbing piece of poster art. And that's what it is - art. It's an image so arresting it couldn't fit more perfectly into David Michod's tale about an anarchist.Kick-Ass
Posters for action blockbusters so often fall into the lazy category (hello there Unstoppable), but Kick-Ass is the exception. With the block black background and yellow lettering, the creators leave all the awesomeness to the film's characters literally jumping off the wall at you. The neon paint splashes are also a clever way to substitute more graphic blood splatters AND throwback to its comic book origins.You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger
I'm a stickler for simplicity and Woody Allen's latest film led the way for several other movie posters that rely on simple, bold graphics. Less is, as they say, more.The Loved Ones
From the Pretty In Pink lighting to dishevelled torture victim, this poster for The Loved Ones sums up the movie perfectly - stylish and sinister.Machete
This is just one of a series of posters promoting the film, most of which relied on using images of the A-List cast. However, the direct 2D graphical style of this had me sharpening all sorts of artistic kudos.Blue Valentine
Dark and romantic is Blue Valentine, and this single image of the love enamoured leads gets all of that across and more. The hand-written style font is also a nice touch, along with love heart V.The Social Network
From the clever border to lone image of Jesse Eisenberg as the Zuker, The Social Network poster did much to intrigue people. But for me, the element that drove it home is arguably the best tagline of the year. It's so good in fact; the makers blew it up to cover the entire poster. Like.The Virginity Hit
Again, simplicity triumphs!Scott Pilgrim Vs The World
The studio thought a collage poster featuring the film’s stars was more marketable, which stands to reason. However, it was Bryan Lee O'Malley’s fully drawn character poster that ticked all my boxes. Its appeal is almost strictly for fans of the graphic novel, which is fine by me.Let Me In
In a similar lone image vein to Blue Valentine, this succeeds due to the conflicting colours and themes. Although I still think the artists version at Fantastic Fest is superior.Winnebago Man
Oh-so perfect in every feasible way. Simply super simple.The Runaways
The tag is catchy, but for a film starring two of the hottest up and comers as the female demi-God's of rock n roll, it’s a pretty ballsy move NOT to picture them in the poster (this one at least). It’s the right move I think, as this grimey graphic alludes to The Runaways biggest hit - Cherry Bomb.And the best . . . Black Swan
The poster being flashed up in the theatres is of course the lone headshot of Natalie Portman looking quite, well, evil. However, the superior ones are the series of posters released in the lead up to the film’s premiere. Don't be fooled by the simple, block shapes - the artwork is deceptively complex and has an almost M.C. Escher-like quality. Notably, they are also draw-droppingly beautiful.

In other poster related goodness, for Tyler Stout’s take on popular movie posters click here, for Killers shizzle here, The Dark Knight Rises wannabe posters here, Lego posters here, Jossing around goodness here.


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