River Song Returns With The Weeping Angels This Saturday.......
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
So far so good for the new Doctor. Loving his personality. He's so amazing. Deffo different to Tennent's Doctor. But that's good. Anyway, had 3 great stories so far for the start of the new series. And now this Saturday we move onto episode 4: Time Of The Angels, and part 2, episode 5: Flesh And Stone, which both look excellent, much better than the first Weeping Angels story back when they were introduced in series 2 with the 1oth Doctor. Didn't really like the story for them, could've been better, so let's hope it is this time with a 2-parter story.
Not only is it the return of the Weeping Angels, it's also the return of the sexy mature woman, River Song! Yesssss! Played by the sexy, Alex Kingston. Now hopefully we'll finally find out who the feck she is to The Doctor. Wether she becomes his future companion in like a series 6 or even a series 7. Possibly with this Doctor or even with The 12th Doctor or even the final 13th Doctor (wont really be the final regeneration.....BBC will want more, 14th and possibly 15th Doctor). She may even be his wife.......DAMN!

Can't wait for it to come on tv and will give a review on the sunday after the second part has finshed. Role on the angels and River Song........
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