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Will There Ever Be A Fourth Series Of Torchwood?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

This is only every geeks mind, especially mine. The question is: Will There Ever Be A Torchwood: Series Four? I fucking hope so. Okay, the way that series 3: Children Of Earth finished, was amazing and it would be a fantastic ending to the Torchwood Universe all together, but it would be good if Russell T Davies decided to make a series 4.
Now, Children Of Earth (series 3) ended with the death of another Torchwood member, Ianto Jones. His death was so quick and so sad. It was painfull to see Jack hold Ianto in his arms for the last time and not even getting to say to him, "I love you". Sucked ass big time. Just like the way The Doctor never got to tell Rose that he loved her at the end of "Doctor Who: Series 2". Again, really sad times.
So now there are only two members of the Torchwood team alive, Captain Jack and Gwen Cooper. Now, I spoke to Kai Owen, who plays Gwen's husband, Rhys in the series. I managed to have a quick convo with him at Collectamania in Braehead last year. I asked him if there's any news on series 4 and said that I would love to see his character become an official member of the Torchwood team in series 4, if it ever happens, seeing as his character done so well in helping Jack and Gwen in Children Of Earth. He said that he would love his character to go that way to. Become one of the team, finally.
Russell T Davies did say that he is still waiting for the BBC to commission a fourth series. Now the BBC have said that they are still kinda wanting a fourth series, but still don't know. Davies did say that if series 4 is a good-to-go, then they think that series 4 will be another 5 part storyline like series 3 was. But actor John Barrowman has signed on for 13 episodes. So it sounds like the creators are going with a full 13 episode long series instead of a 5 part storyline series.
So only time will tell wether a series 4 will definetly happen or not. Here's hoping it does.


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