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Oh, the Twilight years . . .

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Are you sick of Twilight updates yet? No? You will be soon because as promised I'll be giving you as many updates about the movie and cast as possible. Author of the Twilight novel’s Stephenie Meyer is down to direct the video clip for the new Jack's Mannequin song. The track is called `The Resolution' and you can listen to it here
I’m really digging the song. In fact, I plan to make it one of my many anthems for Spring 2008. It's the first song of their brand spanking new album `The Glass Passenger' which is in stores September 30. Meyer is also pegged to write the script for the video. Personally I’m SO stoked to see Meyer involved in directing/writing music videos because anyone who reads her books knows all about her acknowledgment page. At the start of every novel she has at least two paragraphs dedicated to the latest bands she is totally digging and has added to her `writing play list’. Muse is the predominantly featured every time but other groups that inspire her and help her get through `writers block’ are Placebo, Spoon, Panic at the Disco, Tegan and Sara, Jack’s Mannequin, Gomez, Ok Go and Blue October. The ones I listed above are just a few of those she has mentioned in the past but they happen to be some of my personal favourites. The thing I really like about her mentioning these bands at the start of her books is they’re all quite low-fi, indie bands who need as much support and publicity as they can get. Go the Meyer playlist I say!


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