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Understanding What Needs To Pan Out..

Friday, September 12, 2008

Written by Brian Pretti on FinancialSense.com market wrap, Fun With Funding

  • ...You know that for some time now we have been preaching about what we believe to be one of the most important macro themes of the moment that is deleveraging. Important both for financial market and real world economic outcomes ahead. And, whether we like it or not, it's a theme that we believe will be with us for a good while to come. The ultimate contraction of balance sheets in the financial, household and corporate sectors will be a process, not an event, with plenty of volatility along the way. For those attempting to call interim bottoms with respect to this phenomenon as we travel along this path, as we have already seen this year and will undoubtedly continue to see again, our only comment is good luck. In the much larger picture, it was this very multi-decade expansion of private sector balance sheets in aggregate that in large measure drove corporate profits over the longer cycle. So now that deleveraging and balance sheet shrinkage is destined to play out ahead, all as part of the natural progression of a longer term credit market cycle, the trajectory or rate of change in corporate profit growth is in question. A major issue for the financial markets, especially equities. We believe the markets are just starting to wake up to this long cycle thematic realization... do read the rest here


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