Stav'd in the back
Friday, April 9, 2010
Broken Leg’s and compulsive lies aside, I interviewed Stavros `Stav' Yiannoukas from Bluejuice (above) last week to talk about their Ain’t Telling The Truth national tour. As is my way, I also spoke to him about what his favourite movies are. Best described as the hairy guy with the nose ring, Stav had surprisingly awesome taste and is quite a fan of the immensely talented Deepa Mehta. Who’d have funk it?
Anyway, enjoy the rest of our interesting chat below.
Movie Mazzupial: This is a tad off topic, but what are some of your favourite movies?
Stav: My favourite movie ever, but it was one I only saw once, was called Water by the Indian director who is banned there now I think. I haven’t seen the other two, Fire or Earth, but I found that movie…the way it was performed, shot and the way the story progressed, absolutely flawless. I’m sure if I talked to the director she would be able to point out the flaws in it, as they so often do.
But you know, I haven’t seen that many movies lately. I’ve been really into watching TV, like The Sopranos and I’m up to season three, episode ten of Mad Men at the moment. So part of me is watching the mafia and a series that is based around the family, his family home and crime, then Mad Men is a snapshot of the conservative 60s. At the blink of an eye you are kind of gobsmacked at how people talked to women and African Americans back then.
I grew up watching Stand By Me a lot, and Aladdin is the only other one I’m thinking of.
MM: Really? It’s funny you should say that because I’m interviewing the writers/directors of Aladdin in the next few days.
Stav: Bullshit!
MM: (Laughs) Yeah.
Stav: Yeah, well, in some ways I’m very interested in children’s art and I think it’s actually amazing. I’ve been reading a lot of Dr Seuss lately and it’s an amazing bit of genius. To be able to walk the line between children’s education and entertainment...I finished Horton Hears A Who recently, I’d seen the movie, but the book is such a succinct, great way of saying you should be good to people and treat them with respect, no matter how small they are.
For more dates and details on Bluejuice's Ain't Telling The Truth national tour click here.
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