They're banned by Disney. Posh has ditched hers. And today's young women think they're naff: How fake boobs went BUST
Friday, March 26, 2010
By Sally Brampton Bigger isn't necessarily better: Katie Price, left, and Victoria Beckham
Plastic, it seems, is no longer fantastic. Even Hollywood, that factory of artifice, is demanding a return to reality when it comes to women's bodies.
Disney Studio's recent casting call for female extras for the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean film included a surprise announcement: 'Must have real breasts. Do not submit if you have implants.'
Well, hallelujah. Let's hope this is the beginning of a trend to bring some natural bounce back to the big screen and put an end to those solid orbs so disdainfully dismissed even in Hollywood as 'chest rocks'.
Surgically enhanced breasts might still be considered sexy or essential by airhead starlets and glamour models, but the new buzzword in America is 'authenticity'.
That's why, for women in the public eye, having fake breasts is looking increasingly less like a career move and more like career suicide.
Another indication that fake boobs are going bust is the fact that television shows such as Extreme Makeover and The Swan (TV which promised to nip and tuck ordinary women into goddesses) have been cancelled, while statistics from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery show that the number of breast enlargements in America (a country which always blazes a trail in terms of cosmetic surgery trends) fell from 365,000 to 312,000 last year.
Not only are the numbers down, but women are asking for smaller implants, too. No doubt these figures are partly to do with the recession, but perhaps it's more that we're over this juvenile obsession with playing Barbie.
The sad irony, of course, is that the vast majority of men don't even like fake breasts or care whether breasts are large, medium or small, as long as they are soft and real.
A study published some years ago in Playboy magazine (where else?) revealed that while men might like to ogle or fantasise about women with large breasts, in reality they like women to have a pleasant, well-rounded and manageable C cup.
Eye-popping: Pamela Anderson reveals her ample chest
In many surveys, research has shown that the larger the breasts, the more stupid a woman is considered to be, no matter what she has to say for herself.
Other women, meanwhile, consider women with large breasts as a threat - so having a surgical enhancement is a lose-lose situation.
It's bad enough to be considered stupid due to a quirk of nature, but to do it to yourself seems like an act of sheer perversity.
I should know. I have (naturally) large breasts, and other people never understand what a disability they are - even other women, who just tell me not to complain about it.
So it's not surprising that breast reduction (and not breast augmentation) scores the highest satisfaction level of any cosmetic surgery procedure.
Let's put it this way. Having large breasts is like having a couple of small turkeys attached to your body, their weight suspended on fine straps that cut into your shoulders like steel wire, leaving red, permanent grooves in your shoulders and constant back pain.
As for the male attention that goes with them, I've lost count of the number of times I've waited in vain for eye contact when I'm speaking to a man.
Despite all that, we live in a culture obsessed with breasts - and the bigger the better. Yet despite this, stories of women who - inspired by celebrities - had implants, only to regret the decision, are rife.
Chantelle Houghton (from Big Brother, remember her?) almost immediately regretted getting implants to boost her chest from a B to 32E and admits, with no apparent irony, that they were 'taking over her life', and she had to resort to physiotherapy to deal with the back pain they caused.
Even Sharon Osbourne, voted the queen of nip and tuck, said recently: 'I wish I'd never had my breasts done. It's like having a waterbed on your chest. I hate them. I want to have the bags taken out - then I'll put them on eBay.'
The more stories we hear like this the better, because then perhaps young women will realise that large breasts aren't the assets they think they are - or Hollywood has made them out to be.
Many women who go under the knife are then faced with the reality, rather than the fantasy, and discover they are heavy, uncomfortable and sometimes painful.
So why do it? Hollywood starlets might go for implants to look and feel sexy, but most ordinary women do it to feel confident and happier in their own bodies, and not necessarily to be more attractive to men - although there are still those who believe that a pair of double DDs somehow equates with sexiness.
Men aren't idiots. A pair of large breasts might attract their attention, but after the initial attraction comes the conversation, and what a woman has to say about herself is far sexier than what her breasts have to say.
I only know one woman who's had a breast enlargement, and she went up a modest cup size because she was so flat-chested.
The truth is it has made her very happy - and in some cases if someone is truly traumatised by being flat- chested, cosmetic surgery can be good.
According to Rajiv Grover, a highly acclaimed plastic surgeon who sits on the council of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, a recent audit shows that the demand for breast augmentations in Britain has increased by nearly 300 per cent in the past five years, but most of those are not young women, but women in their mid-30s to 40s who feel their breasts are the casualties of being pregnant and breastfeeding.
It sounds a dramatic rise, but given that figures for the same operation are already falling in America, I wouldn't bet against a sea change here.
Let's not forget, too, that these procedures are serious operations, under general anaesthetic, which carry the risk of infection, scarring and silicone leakage.
There is also the risk of the implants hardening and having to be replaced, which happens in about five per cent of cases.
Any reputable surgeon will refuse to use implants that are too big for a woman's natural body frame, but of course there are some who will do what the patient desires, regardless of the consequences.
Most implants last for around 15 years, but breast shape changes with age and implants will droop, as do real breasts, so they are not the magic solution that many women are led to believe.
It costs around £5,000 for breast surgery by a good surgeon - which might seem prohibitive - but this is serious surgery.
That's why there are so many stories of botched jobs on women who've been seduced by clinics offering cut-price deals or lunchtime operations. This is your body, not a Hollywood dream machine, and it should be cherished.
For once, it's not even the fashion industry that's to blame - it's the obsession with celebrities. In fashion circles, large breasts are considered vulgar, not to mention common.
Taking over her life: Chantelle Houghton almost immediately regretted getting implants
They spoil the line of clothes - as Victoria Beckham discovered when she launched herself as a designer and reputedly had her surgically enhanced boobs reduced from a pair of double DDs to the fashion gold standard of a B cup.
Even the younger generation - always the first to latch on to a burgeoning trend - are none too impressed by fake breasts. Well, that's if my 18-year-old daughter and her friends are anything to go by.
While a few teens may be saving their pocket money to have their double AAs boosted, for most of them, fake breasts are about as cool as permatans and ankle chains.
When my daughter was five, her godmother looked at the plastic Barbie doll clutched in her chubby hands and said: 'If she was real, with legs that long and boobs that big, she'd topple over under the force of gravity.'
My daughter spent the next few months balancing the doll on tip toes to see if it was true.
She's now 18, and well past playing with Barbie (she was past it at six, but that's modern kids for you), but is now deeply unimpressed by celebrities who have surgery.
She told me: 'They're supposed to be role models, and the only message they're giving out is that they don't like themselves as they really are, which is basically saying we shouldn't like ourselves either. Seriously, why would you put plastic in your breasts? It's creepy.
'We're always being told we should only put good, healthy stuff in our bodies like organic food, but it's OK to insert great sacks of silicone? It doesn't make sense.'
According to her, it's more acceptable for older women to want to neaten themselves up a bit once they get to the saggy stage, but her generation are way too smart to buy into the idea that plastic is pretty.
And here's the real clincher as far as many young women are concerned: large breasts make you look fat. Yes. Fat.
So, unless you're a really flat double AA and very unhappy because you feel unfeminine, putting yourself through the pain and ordeal of surgery and imagining you'll come out looking like actress Scarlett Johansson is unrealistic, if not mad.
Scarlett Johansson looks like Scarlett Johansson because that's the way she's made, and not because she has a couple of silicone implants shoved in her breasts.
That's also why she's constantly voted as one of the sexist women on the planet. She's real.
So roll on the backlash against celebrities who want to turn themselves into walking, talking, living dolls, and welcome to the celebration of reality.
source: dailymail
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