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2 good to be true

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The second, more substantial Iron Man 2 trailer went viral yesterday and geekoids the world over reacted with sufficient excitement. My favourite online reactions were:

Mikfly: OMG man... this was AWESOME, my keyboard is destroyed now because I jizzed all over it.

Army Archerd: I would love to play with her golden globes!

hedecline182: Marked as spam no puede ser mas lindo...

666evil6cow666: Marvel I owe your infinity internet, and you owe me a pair of un-jizzed underwear

badmitz : scarJo can throw me down anytimeee

roxxas5: I just had a nerdgasm.

Bless YouTube. But rightly so roxxas5, because while the first trailer had plenty of fire power, I thought it lacked the flamey goodness which made the first film so darn wicked.

The new Iron Man 2 trailer delivers and promises to be just as good as Jon Favreau’s first super hero flick, if not better. Importantly, it dangles the carrot a tad closer than the first trailer by showing the supporting cast, particularly Sam Rockwell, ScarJo and Samuel L. Jackson in a few flashes of juicy screen time.

Now, if only they could wrap up the film with Gwyneth’s head in a box…..


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